Monday, 2 December 2013

GAMSAT- Work smart not hard

  • Assess the gamsat exam- look through some questions, understand what needs to be done:
What I have understood from the test is that it requires a lot of revision of basic sciences, however, this alone will not get you very far. The test is about reasoning in the subjects. You have to train your thinking skills for this exam just like you do for the UKCAT. So it would make sense to have some means of mental challenge on a daily basis
  • Prioritise and make a plan:
Make a subject related plan. There is a gamsat syllabus and you can make a neat plan of when you will revise these subjects on what day.

  • Take a holistic approach:
I made the mistake last year of revising like a maniac for the UKCAT, its no good just revising. You must completely understand what the test is about. These entrance exams are not knowledge based exams, they require you to use your reasoning. You can build up reasoning skills just like a muscle in your body through the power of habit.
  • Decide when you want to take the test exactly (note to myself)- 
are you going to take it in march or september. I think you can still get a good mark for the one in march but you can wait until january to decide properly, it wouldn't hurt to brush up on your science anyway.
  • Make a life plan for the year ahead (note to myself)-
 So I have been just cruising on automatic, I need to have a clear plan of where I am going in my life and what to do if those plans dont work out. Sometimes, it easy to say 'I will only do medicine even if it takes me a hundred tries', but realistically its quite difficult when all of your friends are settling down in their lives while you are still chasing something that seems so out of reach. You need to have a back up plan making use of your degree and natural talents. I think ill wait for this step in january, yes i know Im one of those people who wait until the new year to change their lives. I just think I would feel like a fresh new person in 2013. 2012 sucked donkeys ass, it was one of the worst years of my life and I have my fair share of tragic experiences.

Monday, 4 November 2013

I will not be giving up

So I sent off my UCAS just as a joke! I actually have a really good personal statement so I still have the tiniest of chances ever. But Im ready for next year, I will be doing both the UKCAT and GAMSAT this time so that the UKCAT doesn't mean the be all or end all.

Continue doing math revision as much as possible

Tuesday, 8 October 2013


Shitness prevailed this year. I have close to 0.00000001% chance of getting in this year the way my application looks!

I have however decided to take the plunge and apply anyway, at least I will make other people's applications look good. 

So the plan is:

-Finish the first draft of the personal statement tonight

-Send to H and L and then to R, Y and S. And Dr Ref. 

-Then send to Yas from work 

- Finalise choices

-Get reference from dr ref by the 12th

-Finish UCAS and send off by the 13th or 14th

Friday, 4 October 2013

I was hoping the day would never come where I would have to write this post. Unfortunately, it happened and it is here. I completely messed up in the UKCAT.
My average was 600. I think my chance of applying this year has gone down the drain. I will try and look up to see if there is anywhere I can apply to, if there is then I will.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Come on seriously it's not the end of the world. It's 12:30 and I'm up thinking about life. What's the point take it easy. Take an overdose of chill pills. 
You are still young, you have the whole world to see and even outer space if you wanted to. There are one way tickets to mars if you really wanted. So why are you even worrying? 

This time tomorrow you will be done :) 


Im feeling much better since my last post. I always feel better in the evening time...hormones? i don't know whatever it is it seems like I always panic during the afternoon and get over it by the evening.

Just doing some last minute revision before tomorrow's test.

This whole experience was painful and i won't miss it at all.

I am so WORRIED RIGHT NOW. I cant concentrate at all. I havent done any revision today ARGHHHHHH :(((((((((((((((((((((( I wish i could get this sick feeling out of my system. I feel doomed! :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((



i might go to yoga class or something. Feel so anxious

Monday, 30 September 2013

Things I have learnt

This whole process isn't easy, its the uncertainty that is hard. I have made all kinds of mistakes this year regarding this application process, here they go:

  • I should have revised math all year round, I have absolutely no math foundation how can I expect to start a month before and finish all of GCSE maths from the basics?! Also considering that I will be competing against UKs finest students, I have done quite well in terms of my math knowledge. I think a good way of revising math all year round is allotting a time each day for it and playing brain training on the DS.
  • I should have taken the UKCAT early. OH HOW I WISH I DID THIS.
  • If i had taken the UKCAT early I would have known my score and then determined if I should take the BMAT and GAMSAT.
  • I should have read books on medical law and medicine throughout the year- this one is no biggie but it would have helped a lot on the SJT.
  • I should have started my PS I only have a week and a half to prepare it tops.
  • I should have allotted no more than 3 weeks for revising the UKCAT. This year I took the little but lengthy approach...I think that was wrong, I am so fed up of this test. 3 weeks is really enough. UKCAT is supposed to be intensive and thats how I think the revision should be too.
  • I should have read more books/articles to practice fast reading.
  • I should have researched university entrance requirements wayyyyyy earlier, then I would have prevented everything relying on the UKCAT.
  • I should have practiced a healthy lifestyle during the revision period. Right now I sleep late, I am undisciplined, I eat unhealthy food, I spend the whole day at the desk..only to work solidly for about two hours in total, I wake up late, I hardly exercise, I make too much time for friends...and the list goes on. This is something that needs to be practiced all year has to be a lifestyle decision.

official UKCAT mock 1

These are my results:

VR- 25/44 =640

QR- 8/36 = 433

AR- 31/55= 638

DA- 21/28 =750


arghhh QR killed me in that one its way too hard. I love DA right now, i thought it was one of my weakest areas in the past mocks.

AR was quite hard in this one too

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Medify hard mock

I just did the medify hard mock, and this is what I got...

VR- 20/48 = 550

QR- 12/36 = 516

AR- 40/55= 736

DA- 15/28 = 621


My results seem to be stagnant. I don't know what to feel. A lot of people are getting 700s in their mocks although Ive heard of people getting 500s and doing well in the real thing

but having a look on the tsr megathread people are doing way better than me at the mocks. Eek.

Saturday, 28 September 2013

DAMN I JUST REALISED MEDIFY SUBSCRIPTION RUNS OUT TOMORROW. i am too poor to subscribe yet again. :( doesn't matter many people have gotten a great mark (over 720) without medify.

fuck you medify

Decision Analysis

Seems so be everyone's strongest section...

-Don't forget that you have to do a confidence rating (score of 1= low confidence in your answer and score of 5=high confidence). The confidence ratings are 'not sent to medical school'....hmmm. Why are they making everything harder i don't know.

-Midway through the sub test you will be given an additional part of the table

Some examples: (given as literal translations, then the right option stated)

*carry(opposite generalise water) combine (earth water dwelling) danger
pulling that water from the well is hazardous
''opposite generalise'' is used to represent ''that water'' as opposite of a generalisation is a specific. So to oppositely generalise water it would be representing a specific water.

*opposite personal= you or they

Situational Judgement

I'm not too bothered about this section as it will only really be used for Edinburgh applicants this year.
But I think its a good idea to get a perspective of what is right/wrong in medical practice/other situations. I really enjoy this subsection because of all the social challenges they come up with and the 'right' reaction to each. Of course all the reactions are debatable but you have to start accepting that your whole medical life will be dictated by guidelines...and you have to accept these as the right way of reacting. There is a theme for the SJT, and i think this is the only subset that can actually be revised for properly.

Here are some question types:

A very inappropriate thing to do/very important issues:

  • any question where it asks if its appropriate for the person in question to discuss the matter (sensitive subjects) within his peer group
  • any question that involves the person arriving to work late, not going to work at all or anything that puts patients at a disadvantage should be seen as a very inappropriate thing to do.
  • copying a colleague's work= dishonesty and endangers your colleague too.
  • calling in sick dishonestly
  • patient doctor romantic relationships
  • code of practice governed by the hospital should always be deemed as highly important.
  • any situation that may aggravate that person's situation/or anothers.

Inappropriate but not awful:
  • wasting time- calling the senior doctor for help on a decision that you can make yourself
Appropriate but not ideal:
  • misplacing your workplace heirachy by doing someone else's job/ decisions.


I did no work yesterday, I spent the day out. I'm kind of bored of this whole thing. But there are only 4 days left. At least the boredom is making the nervousness go away.

I really do wish I was motivated. I read something interesting yesterday; ''Flow is an optimal state in which you feel totally engaged in an activity- whether long distance swimming or songwriting, sumo wrestling or sex. In a state of flow, you're neither bored nor anxious, and you don't question your own adequacy. Hours pass without you noticing.....The key to flow is to pursue an activity for it's sake, not for the reward it brings''- (Quiet by Susan Cain). I completely understand what they mean by 'flow,' I've rarely been in this state but I know that feeling, being completely in the mood of work, and not caring about the outcome. It goes on to say; ''Flow often conditions in which people become independent of the social environment to the degree that they no longer respond exclusively in terms of its rewards and punishments. To achieve such autonomy, a person has to learn to provide rewards to themselves.''....''in flow, a person could work around the clock for days on end, for no better reason than to keep working.''

I think to get into that state is the only way I can truly stay focussed on the work. I have had a short attention span for as long as I could remember, but I do remember some university days where I was so immersed in the work that I felt like I didn't care about the outside world.

Anyway, I should get started now. I slept quite early last night but ended up waking up at 10 :(. I think I've been quite negative these past few days. I should work on that.

STOP TYPING. why? because. ndjhfknkfnefo.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Let go of perfectionalism

It has never served you in any way. Move on and do the work. Yes it's sunny, yes everyone is having fun outside. But seriously what do you want more in the long run? 

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

A journal of my quest into graduate entry medicine: keyboard shortcuts

A journal of my quest into graduate entry medicine: keyboard shortcuts:
ALT+F for flagging
ALT+E for ending a review
ALT+C for bringing up the calculator
ALT+P for going to the previous question
ALT+N for the nex...

Abstract Reasoning

AR is one of my weakest areas. Sometimes no matter how hard I look I just don't see the pattern.

The kaplan mnemonic is:

S   hape
C  olour
A rrangement
N  unmber
S  ize

I don't usually have time to go through these for each question, so I don't think the kaplan method was really useful to me in this section. Sometimes even if I know the problem lies in the arrangement of the shapes, I can't actually find how they differ. It's so frustrating because it doesn't seem like something you can change about yourself. You either see the pattern or you don't. Maybe I'm just being pessimistic and it is something you can practice and get better at. I will practice it and see.

13 minutes to answer 55 items. -about one minute for each question (11 of them)
Reference point- at question 27 you should be at about 6mins 30 secs


1. ignore the test shape!

2. look at the set and find the pattern (using SCANS/or 'CATSPENIS' mneumonics)

3. check the test shape

4. eliminate and select

** if it takes you too long to figure out the test shape, mark an answer and flag (ALT + F), (ALT+N)

Some patters:

*Shapes go clockwise, other set goes counterclockwise

*Relationship between direction of arrow and a shape: for example in set A- arrow pointing downwards represent 3/4 of a circle, arrow pointing right represents 2/4 of circle, arrow pointing up represents 1/4 of circle and arrow pointing left represents both 1/1 and no circle present. So you can see that two shapes are changing. The arrow is going clockwise and the circle is also increasing by 1/4 with each clockwise turn of the arrow.

*Set A- more sides on outer shape than inner shape - e.g. square containing a triangle
Set B- more sides in inner shape than outer shape -e.g. square containing pentagon

*Set A- at least 3 circles close to each other
Set B- no two circles are close to each other and each box contains 6 circles

*Set A- odd number of shapes. There are more shaded than not. At least one quadrilateral and one black hexagon.
Set B- even number of shapes with none shaded. At least one quadrilateral.

*Set A- shapes point to the right
Set B- shapes point to the left

*Set A- triangle above circle
Set B- circle above triangle

*Set A- odd number of shapes. Bottom left shape is black
Set B- even number of shapes. Top right shape is black

*Set A- Right angled triangle
Set B- isosceles triangle

*Set A- biggest shape is white, smallest shape is black
set B- smallest shape is white (the other shapes are not necessary black)

*Set A- all straight shapes are filled, 2 quadrilaterals means arrow points right
Set B- all curved shapes are filled. 2 quadrilaterals means arrow points left

*Set A- has an even number of shapes, with none shaded- Ignore the smiley face (very hard to ignore)
set B- off number of shapes, more shaded than not. Ignore the smiley face.

Set A- the interior angles of all shapes and intersecting lines summates to 720 degrees
Set B- the interior angles of all shapes and intersecting lines summates to 360 degrees

*Set A- square enclosed by a circle, if no square then triangle
Set B- square enclosed by triangle, if no square then circle

Monday, 23 September 2013

Medify medium mock

VR - 25/44 -640

QR- 16/36 -566

AR- 27/54 -600

DA- 13/28 - 578


:( THINGS ARE LOOKING BAD FOR ME. just want to cry :(

Only 3 days left :O....EDIT I RESCHEDULED...!! :d

How did time go by so fast?

Im nervous, actually kind of paralysed by the fear of failing this UKCAT. I just hope I can get a decent enough mark to actually deem me eligible to apply. I don't care about not getting into medicine this year, I just don't want a big blow to my confidence.

I wanted to postpone the test once again but yesterday I checked there were no more dates available.

Im going to do another mock now.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

my first UKCAT mock

I am really disappointed :(. So these are the marks i got in the medify easy mock:

VR- 24/44 = 627

I ran out of time for this one, I probably answered only half the questions properly, the other half was all guess work.

QR- 13/36 = 516
I guessed literally EVERY question. I HATE THIS SHIT.

AR- 28/55 = 605
I saw a pattern for maybe only two sets, the other questions were answered by my gut.

DA- 17/28 = 664
It was the only section where i used the time well. I did have two minutes to spare at the end. But I was really tired by this section.


SJ - 37/71 = 612
I actually enjoyed this section, but apparently it won't be used by medical schools much?...

...I feel like Im developing a cold. I have a runny nose, maybe this is a sign that i should postpone my exam again

....evening time:

I am actually going through the quantitative reasoning questions now and they are fairly easy when you have enough time, this is certainly an improvement from my previous state where I was not able to answer QR questions even in an unlimited amount of time.

This proves that with practice you can really improve on this section.

Thursday, 19 September 2013

19/09/13 - 1 WEEK LEFT!!

- i didn't study much yesterday, i only did half a chapter of math :(
-but at least i spent some time bonding with my family :D. I was at a desperate level of boredom so I couldn't be bothered to study.
-Anyway, it's a new day, here is a buddha quote for motivation:
Concentrate on what you want to happen rather than what you don't.
Forget about the outcome.

todays chapter:
-averages and range
-then aim to do 150 medify questions (as you didn't do any yesterday)

stop fluffing around on the internet.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013


I didn't study yesterday, I have decided not to feel shit about it, rather, i will work twice as hard.

I hope I don't get ill, i've got a permenant headache and not feeling too energetic. And my sleeping pattern is fucked up.


i made coffee for the first time ever. I hope i'll be alright.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Plan for the next 10 days:

understanding and using measurements

collection and organisation of data

averages and range

presentation of data1 and presentation of data 2

cumulative frequency


medify easy mock

medify medium mock
official ukcat mock

medify hard mock



Just try your best
Aim for 150 medify questions a day
positive thinking
wake up early
switch off your phone

Monday, 9 September 2013

arghh. Think positive!!!

if all else fails, ill have to take the BMAT and apply for the A100 courses in leeds and ucl..
hi so im going to start studying again now, after a few very emotionally challenging days. Sigh. move on

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

percentage equation that i really need to practice

Original  x (1 + or - %) = final value

+ would be for a percentage increase
- for a percentage decrease


Final value/(1+ or - %) = original value

This is the same equation as % change= final value-original value/ original value

But it arrives at the answer quicker so it would be useful for the time limit

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

keyboard shortcuts

ALT+F for flagging
ALT+E for ending a review
ALT+C for bringing up the calculator
ALT+P for going to the previous question
ALT+N for the next question

Monday, 26 August 2013

verbal reasoning

two main question types:

1. reading comprehension qs (main type)- requires greater depth of reading

2. true/false/cant tell qs (about 2 sets)

Reference point:

by question 22 (halfway through the subset), the timer should be at about 10mins 30secs

Reading comprehension type Qs:


  • critical reading
  • inferences (using information to come to a conclusion)
1. read the statement/question
2. look at the answer responses
3. eliminate and select (difficult questions)

-take the same amount of time on these questions as the true/false ones.
-make a mental note of each part of the text e.i. what each part represents (like mini paragraphs)


  • "some" means at least one
  • "mostly"- may give clue that there are other parts/other ways of something, or a clue that it is more than another part

Useful books:
  • "critical thinking-an introduction"

medicine reading list

(taken from medify website)

i got medify!

So just bought a two week subscription of medify. I hope it works.

this is the order you are supposed to do things:

  1. tutorials
  2. practice sets
  3. mock tests

Training to keep yourself under the time limit. Simulate the test environment. A good idea I came up with is doing a practice test every day the time of your test and keep yourself timed strictly.

-first focus on getting the questions right before increasing your speed

Sunday, 25 August 2013

shit week revision wise

its been a shit week, no revision done.

anyway i was thinking, if i fail this year, then i will appy again next year more wisely. I know where I went wrong this year, I left things too late. 

ill revise maths every day until may 2014
so i will book my ukcat the day it opens- may 2014
i will take my ukcat around june/july 
write and finalise personal statement by august
send of ucas by mid august 2014
at the same time apply for a masters so that you dont have another wasted year if you dont get in again.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

maths subjects to revise for (UKCAT)

-ratio and proportion
-metric conversion
-area and volume
-pie charts, graphs, kinematics ect
-geometry, Pythagoras theorem

Thursday, 15 August 2013

so i didnt study at all yesterday, but im starting again now. I woke up early (8:20ish) yay :D but i slept early last night. It will pay off sleeping early.

quite nervous for my brothers A level results today

Monday, 12 August 2013

ukcat revision is going really slow and I cant answer the questions in time :(

plan for this month

-wake up at 7am everyday
-have a healthy breakfast
-study for two hours
-break-go for a walk or do some exercise for 30mins-1 hour
-two hours more studying
-break-eat a snack
-study the rest of the day in the same way
-when you have had enough of ukcat study, write your personal statement

-put your phone away and don't answer people unless your on your break and can be bothered
-sleep by 11pm
-drink lots of water everyday
-get fresh air everyday
-use the kaplan method for all questions
-dont go out with ANYONE until you finish exams
-maths tuition with y once a week

Sunday, 11 August 2013

ukcat TIPS!

-dont miss any easy marks- answer the easy ones first, ALWAYS MARK AN ANSWER before flagging the question
-dont waste time on difficult questions
-dont leave any questions unanswered- when making a guess for each section, be consistent with the letter you pick-this can get you an extra 20%, if you pick the letter randomly you are likely to get less
-when people say you cannot revise for the ukcat they are right in the sense that its not a content based exam, but you can learn and practice the skills that are needed to answer the question types
-understanding the question type will help you find the correct answers quickly
-once you answer a question, MOVE ON!

good ukcat material:

-600q book
-'score higher on the ukcat'
-kaplan course


-I managed to get my little paws on the ukcat kaplan book! :D
-Didnt study at all yesterday or today :(
-I shall start studying now

Friday, 9 August 2013

things to do this year (maybe)

friday night skate:


advice to my future self if i dont get in this year

-Do the ukcat as early as possible!!
-Submit your application as early as possible
-Do the BMAT and GAMSAT tests so that you have more choices for unis
-Prepare for interview. Any activity that helps you communicate confidently will stand you in good stead at interview. Use BBC Health and NHS Choices to gen up on hot topics and how the NHS ticks, so that you are aware of the issues, even if you don't have answers to solve the problem. Check those sites for new headlines before each interview! Gen up on the 'Four principles' of ethics - a useful starting point if you are asked to give an opinion on an ethical dilemma. Look for podcasts from the BBC series 'Inside the Ethics Committee' for some insights into this aspect of medicine.

Thursday, 8 August 2013

why do we have tunnel vision?

The abstract reasoning of the ukcat should be used as punishment in hell. I dont know if there is actually a way of getting good at it, I can hardly find any patterns! :(WAH WAH.

I can see why they have put this section into the ukcat because intelligence is the ability to differentiate. I think as we grow older we are less likely to see the 'whole picture' because of our conditioning. Our vision becomes unidimensional. Children are better at spotting patterns, colours and a wider scope of characteristics than adults. If I had to take a guess why we become like this I would blame it on the media. Its because we see recurring themes in the media- television, news, radio, songs, films ect. When we were kids we were not exposed to these recurring patterns and therefore did not have tunnel vision. This process can be reversed by broadening your attention. Examine everything. Be curious, learn how to work everything around you and understand how it works.

yesterday and today

Yesterday was a bad day revision wise. I did nothing. But I did go to tuition with y. Also I met this interesting guy who I dont know whether to trust or not. Well anyway he is very successful in the business world and he was giving me the following advice:

-dreams are very important and you must never forget your dreams
-You need to be positive otherwise nothing will work out
-The main thing you need to accomplish anything is focus, and he repeatedly told me this
-he said there is no such thing as cant, it just doesn't exist

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Medical Choices all depending on my UKCAT score!

with a good ukcat I could apply to :

with a bad ukcat:
-leicester (needs one year of paid hospital experience)

it all depends on your BLOODY UKCAT!! WORK HARD!!

                   “People shouldn’t dwell on the past. It’s enough to try your best in all that you’re doing now.”
                                                                                      - Aya, “1 Litre of Tears” (Japanese drama)


So today I revised only about a solid half hour! I would have been better off going out the whole day and taking my book and revising at starbucks. The rest of the day I spent reading, internet searching, texting, facebook, watching 3 episodes of GOTs and napping. That is really not a good sign of discipine.
I know its boring and ardious but I have to get a good mark on the UKCAT to have any chance of getting into medicine this year. Everything else can wait. EVERYTHING!! NO EXCEPTIONS!!

ukcat tips (taken from getintomedicine)

UKCAT - Practice a little but often! 

The UKCAT is a long exam lasting around 2 hours and there is no end to the amount of practice you could do. However, it is very easy to feel overwhelmed when faced with trying to master each section of the UKCAT. To try to absorb all that information all at once is a difficult task. You may very quickly feel frustrated, distracted and disheartened - none of which is conducive to efficient practice. Therefore experiment with the learning style which is best for you.
Many people find that by doing a little bit of revision, but doing it often is better than trying to sit at their desk for hours and hours. Concentration is not a constant and many find that after an hour of solid work they begin to day dream or otherwise be distracted. By limiting the amount of work you do to around an hour, before taking a short break, you may actually improve your productivity! Break the large task of revising for the UKCAT down into  smaller pieces and smaller goals for each day and concentrate on achieving them. This can reduce the burden of trying to learn it all in one go, and may increase the amount of work you get done each day - which all adds up

-this is very different to the approach I have been taking so far. I have been spending the whole day at my desk and getting maybe only one or two hours of solid work done. Maybe I should take this advice and work little and often rather than tiring myself out and not getting much work done. 

-Its all about organisation- I should work on this. I think I could balance all aspects of my life out perfectly if only I had organisation as a skill!

get into medicine site

more questions to practice the ukcat!

work experience abroad

I am currently looking into what I can do in my gap year coming, I want to do something both medically related and fun, oh yeah and life changing. Still looking around, here are some good links:

Hello nobody!

So I have decided to create a blog to keep the mess in my mind untangled. I am hoping to vent on this blog.
Usually people create blogs like this a few years before they actually apply for medicine. But you probably don't know me, I am not the average medical student. I was never the most organised and academic person anywhere. I do need to work on these areas, passion alone may not surpass all other criteria. But dont look back because you are not going that way